Diamond Naturals Dog Food Review

Diamond Naturals Dog Food Review

diamond naturals dog food review

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Shop at an Online Retailer Get 40% Off + Free Shipping Click for Details The Diamond Naturals product line includes the 13 dry dog foods listed below.

When available, each recipe contains its AAFCO related nutrient profile. These can be found on the official website of the product: Growth, Maintenance and All Life Stages. Supplemental or unspecified.

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Product rating AAFCO Diamond Naturals, Senior Dog Diamond Naturals Little Breed of Adult Lamb and Chicken Meal and rice Diamond Naturals. All Life Stages: Skin and Coat Free

Diamond Naturals Adult Beef Meal with Rice and Diamond Naturals Adult Beef Meal was selected as the representative product in this line.

diamond naturals dog food review

Diamond Naturals Review, Dog Food Ingredients, Recall History and Our Rating

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(c) Depositphotos.com / Chalabala The dog food aisle at almost any retail outlet is packed to the rafters with choices. It can be very confusing as an owner who just wants to bring home the best food for his or her dog!

Before you go, make sure to read our unsponsored, unbiased reviews.

Following is our detailed Diamond Naturals dog food review, taking a look at the ingredients quality, company reputation and details, recall history and more.

diamond naturals dog food review

Our Overview

Diamond Naturals is a good quality, made-in-America brand of dog food. This company makes several of its own brands as well as food for other businesses in its plants. The Naturals line is a moderately above average product group, but does not rate with the best premium brands.

Naturals dog food is unique because it contains many different ingredients that are not found in other brands, such as berries and fruits. The size options available are very limited but the price range is not prohibitive.

It is generally agreed that the product is of high quality, and is free from many of the incontestable ingredients commonly found in low-quality food. Diamond appears to be a popular brand, with a few detractors. This brand is highly recommended by most reviewers (including us).

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diamond naturals dog food review

Diamond Dog Food Review

Diamond Pet Foods claims on its website that all of their products have the highest quality ingredients.

The company even provides a detailed list of all their ingredients that includes fresh meats, vegetables, whole grains and other healthy nutrients.

One quick look at several Diamond dog foods will reveal that the ingredients are in fact used, although quality can vary from brand to brand.

Diamond Naturals does not use corn, wheat, or other by-products.

The Diamond Naturals Grain-Free is even one step higher on the quality scale. It is important to understand that although some Diamond dog foods can be of decent quality, not all Diamond dog food brands are equal.


Designed for all dogs at all stages of life

diamond naturals dog food review

Information on Companies

View Prices and More Reviews Diamond Naturals Dog Food is manufactured by Diamond Pet Foods, Inc.

, by Schell and Kampeter, Inc.

The company is a U.S.-based pet foods manufacturer, with facilities in Meta, Missouri and Lathrop (California), as well as Gaston, South Carolina. The Schell and Kampeter continue to manage the family-owned, privately held company.

Diamond’s headquarters are located in Meta, Missouri. The company was established in 1970. Gary Schell and Richard Kampeter, brothers-in law, purchased Milling Meta Co. (a producer of animal feed and dog food). The company was initially limited in distribution to Meta, Missouri within 100 miles. Only about 5 percent was dog food. Diamond expanded its manufacturing facilities to include San Joaquin County California (in 1999) and Gaston, South Carolina (in 2002).

Diamond Recalls and Quality Control Problems Diamond has experienced a series of recalls for aflatoxins and concerns about Salmonella since 1999. This includes a major recall in 2005. Consumers have been skeptical about Diamond and their products. Diamond, however, manufactures or copacks food for many brands such as Canidae Solid Gold Costco’s Kirkland Dick Van Patten’s Natural Balance Tractor Supply’s 4Health NutraGold. Diamond now says that they perform 151 quality tests to ensure their products meet their standards. Diamond Naturals products were subject to recalls by the company following a Salmonella contamination at their South Carolina plants. Diamond’s foods were included in the recall, as well as many others.

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Diamond Naturals can be marketed separately and is sold with Diamond’s other products. It is promoted as a natural diet with holistic, all-natural ingredients. Diamond Naturals does not contain any wheat or soy. The company says they use purified water in the steam that is used to make the food. Website states that the foods contain antioxidants as well animal protein sources and a combination of omega fatty oils, along with natural fiber ingredients. Diamond Naturals also sells cat food. At this point, the product is only available in dry kibble.

diamond naturals dog food review

Top 5 Ingredients Breakdown

First, there is lamb meal. Although some may feel that whole lamb is better than lamb meals, lamb meat is actually a concentrated form of lamb with twice the protein. Most of the moisture has been removed. It is a great ingredient for dog food as a source of meat protein.

Ground rice provides carbohydrates that are more slowly digested. Dogs can tolerate rice very well. It gives them a sense of fullness and satisfaction after they eat it. Your dog will be able and able to eat rice as long as it is well cooked.

Millet and cracked pearled barley are slow-digesting carb sources. You can give your dog energy but this will not be a quick-release source.

This is the fifth component. It’s chicken fat, preserved with a type of vitamin E. This is a good named source of animal fat.

One good source of protein is found in the meat, along with three slow-release carbs and one animal fat. This is a good result, but not enough meat protein to make the dish as delicious as it should be.

As an aside, the number five is not a fixed number. The first four ingredients, or seven ingredients could be looked at. But when you look at the ingredients beyond the first several things in the food you should realize that, by weight, they don’t make up much of the food. Vitamins and minerals aren’t affected by this because they don’t need to be present in large quantities to perform their jobs. However, when it comes to protein, fat and carbohydrates, weights as well as amounts are crucial. If the manufacturer adds salmon to the food and it is the next to last ingredient, there won’t be much of it in the food, for example.

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View the Top-Sellers of Diamond Naturals Dog Food Blends and Read Dog Owner Reviews

diamond naturals dog food review

Diamond Naturals Dog Food Review, 2021

Diamond Naturals reviews detail food quality and reputation. You’ll be able to decide whether it is healthy for you and your pet.

You are looking through Diamond Naturals’ latest dog food reviews. This review is for you. This review will cover the positive and negative aspects of Diamond Naturals as well as a brief overview of the other formulas.

American brand Diamond pet foods is committed to providing the best nutritional and economical options for pets. As of now, the company encompasses five Diamond pet food brands that target the needs of canines at all life stages and various styles of life. Every dog receives balanced and whole-food nutrition. The organization believes that every pet owner should have access to affordable, high-quality canine food.

Diamond also produces pet food in partnership with other companies, such as Taste of The Wild.

Diamond Natural Is Bad for Dogs?

Diamond recipes that contain ample amounts of protein and below-average fat and calorie content can be safe for seniors. AAFCO’s nutrient guidelines are required for adults. Diamond Naturals Senior Formula can be a healthy option for older pets.

Diamond Dog Food Can Kill Dogs

U.S. Food and Drug Administration reported that at least76 dogs died nationwide from eating poisoned Diamond Pet Foods. May 10, 2006.

Is Diamond Dog Food Made In China?

Diamond’s pet foods use Chinese ingredients. TOW is made in America, but its ingredients are from around the globe. Diamond uses Chinese meat products in TOW. Merrick Pet Foods, one of the few dog food producers that can certify that all of their products are US-sourced, is just one among many.

Which Natural Dog Food is the Best?

  1. Organix Organic Chicken & Brown Riso Adult Canned Dog Food.
  2. Best Dry: Wellness CORE Natural Grain Free Original Recipe Dry Dog Food.
  3. DIAMONDNATURALS Large Breed Adult Chicken and Rice Formula Dry Dog food are the best.
  4. Merrick Healthy Grains Dry dog food is best for small breeds.

.Diamond Naturals Dog Food Review